Don't Try and Get Rid of Bed Bugs on Your Own

Bed Bug Travel Tips – How To Preven Bringing Them Home


Here are some valuable suggestions to ensure “Bed Bug Proof” travel from the specialists at Pest Control London. If you need Emergency pest control. This is what you can do once you call us.

Before choosing a location:

Call up the hotels that you are interested in and ask if they use anti-bed bug mattress encasements.

Look up your location of interest or hotel address for any recent bed bug reports. This can be found online at sites such as

Bed Bug Tips Before Leaving Your House:

Pack using a top-quality luggage liner for easier bed bug identification.
Pack everything in bed with bug-free luggage liners
Pack a small flashlight to be better able to search for indications of bed bugs.
Pack an anti-bedbug laundry bag and keep your clothes from exposure to the floor.

Bed Bug Tips When Arriving At Destination:

Bed-bug-growthHere’s where your flashlight comes in handy! Inspect all the nooks and crannies of your hotel room, especially around mattresses, box springs, upholstered chairs, drawers, headboards, carpets, closets, and wall hangings. Indications of bed bug infestations include dark faecal spots, dried blood spots, moulted bed bug shells, eggs, and of course bed bugs – dead or alive.
Pull the sheets off the mattresses and inspect all edges and folds in both the mattress and the box spring.

Bed Bug Tips While On Vacation:

Don’t leave your suitcase on the floor or on chairs.
Don’t leave your shoes on the floor. Keep them inside your luggage liners when not in use.
Only take the clothes out that you will be wearing and close the luggage liner immediately afterwards. They work well as a drawer liner, as well.
Put all dirty clothes in bed bug-proof laundry bags.
The bathroom counter may be the safest place for luggage.

Bed Bug Tips When Back At Home:

Before checking out, recheck the outside of your luggage, laundry bag, clothes and shoes for hitchhiking bed bugs.
If you find bed bugs in your suitcase or clothes, leave them there. It is far cheaper to buy yourself a new suitcase and outfit than it is to pay for a bed bug extermination.
Unpack your bags outdoors if possible.
Vacuum the inside and outside of your luggage as well as the outside of your bed bug-free luggage liner and laundry bag before entering the house. Do not use a bagless vacuum for this, as you will only transfer the problem. Be sure to dispose of each bag after vacuuming.
Wash & dry your clothing (and if possible luggage) in extreme heat. Over 140 degrees Fahrenheit to be safe.
If you can’t wash your clothing at such heats, you should have it dry cleaned. If you have a bed bug problem, please let your dry cleaner know about it before they handle your clothes.
If dry cleaning is too expensive for you, you can leave your clothes out in the extreme heat (again over 140 degrees) or cold (below 32 degrees) for a few days. Bed bugs cannot live in such extreme temperatures.

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