bed bugs


What to Do When You Have Bed Bugs

Once bed bugs invade your home, you might get a feeling that you no longer want anything to do with it, and just move out.

Bed bugs reproduce very fast and can survive for a long time between meals. These fearless bloodsuckers get into bed with you, sit on the couch with you, and move around with you – because they cling onto your clothes, backpacks and purses, and even your shoes..

If you have been getting red itchy welts on your skin lately, these bugs could be the culprit. You might also be fortunate enough to spot them crawling on your walls, clothes, or bedding. Below are four easy steps on how to get rid of bed bugs from your home.

Bed bug exterminator

  1. Go through the whole house to find out areas that have been infested

You can do this on your own or hire a pest control professional. The bug’s tiny physique makes it easy for them to fit in tiny and unexpected areas such as the seams of a mattress, curtain folds, between couch cushions, and inside electrical outlets. Use a flashlight and magnifying glass to do the inspection. Also, check for signs such as reddish stains on the mattress or dark spots.

  1. One quick way of containing the bed bugs is to vacuum them

Run the vacuum over all hideouts. Seal the vacuumed contents and throw away. Keep all affected linens and clothes in a sealed plastic bag until you can clean them with hot water and set them on the highest possible temperatures in the washer and dryer.

Bed bug exterminator

  1. Get rid of all bed bug hiding places

Clear any items from the floor that could be a hiding place for bed bugs such as magazines and books. Do not move items from the infested room as you will spread the bugs. Tape up open electrical outlets, move your bed away from the wall a bit, and seal any cracks and glue down loose wallpaper.

  1. Chemical Treatments

You can decide to use chemical or non-chemical methods depending on the intensity of the infestation.

Non-chemical methods include exposing the bugs to very high or very low temperatures. Place bed bug-proof covers over your mattress and box spring to kill any remaining bugs and prevent new ones from getting inside. For chemical methods, try EPA-registered insecticides.

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bed-bug removal

What Attracts Bedbugs into Your Home?

Anyone who has ever had an encounter with bedbugs is certain to not forget it. 

The itchy red blotches on the skin that are seen in the morning after, serve as a reminder of the visit from this pesky bug. 

What worries most people is the knowledge that bed bugs feed on human blood

It thus follows that the fear of infection with disease by the bugs is the second biggest concern. 

Fortunately it is a proven fact that bed bugs do not transmit any disease despite having known pathogens in their gut. 

It is no surprise however that this fact is not sufficient to not ease the hate and dread that people have towards this bonafide member of the insect family. 


Some concerns about bedbugs

The question of what attracts bedbugs into your home is one many concerned people have asked themselves and pondered about. 

This is because this pesky pest seems to find its way into all sorts of human habitation.

From residences in urban areas to those in rural areas, from abodes in the suburbs to those in the ghetto, from five star hotels to the simplest of homes, regardless of whether its summer or winter, bedbugs seem to be found almost everywhere, all the time. 

What bed bugs are mainly attracted to

Despite seeming to be attracted to very little, bedbugs are certainly attracted to one thing. 

The first and obvious thing to which the bug is attracted is a human host. 

As long as bedbugs can find a source of food, they will be attracted to the place the host inhabits.

This fact alone is sufficient to rule out most of the more common beliefs regarding what attracts bedbugs into the home. 

Below are some of these debunked beliefs

  • Bedbugs are not attracted by dirt, grime or filth

Though bedbugs are often found in residences with notably low levels of hygiene, this should not be considered as definitive proof of the bug’s preference for dirty places. 

First and foremost, bed bugs have little to gain from filth, dirt or grime

They do not feed on filth nor do they necessarily make their habitation in it. 

As a matter of fact it is no surprise to find the bugs in commercial lodgings where maintaining high standards of cleanliness is not only necessary but also mandatory. 

The fact remains that bedbugs feed on blood and as long as they can find a human host, the bugs will find a home in any human abode.

  • Bed bugs are not attracted to pets

Some people have blamed their pets for bringing bedbugs into their home. 

It does seem plausible considering that most pets do spend a considerable amount of time outdoors. 

One can then assume that as the pet wanders through the neighborhood, the cat or dog comes across a place with bed bugs which then get into their fur. 

Or maybe even the bugs pass from the fur of a neighborhood pet onto your dog or cat which then brings the bedbugs into your home. 

This series of assumptions cannot be further from the truth. The following points show why this line of thinking is wrong.

  • First of all, bedbugs are to be found exclusively in human habitations and cannot survive at all in the open. Therefore is highly unlikely that your dog or cat will encounter the bugs in a particularly bush or in the neighborhood woods. 
  • Secondly, bedbugs lack the claws necessary to allow them to move within animal fur. This means that unlike fleas and lice, bedbugs cannot find an abode in the fur of pets. 
  • Thirdly, bedbugs lack the strong hind legs that would allow them to jump from one pet to another. Therefore the transfer of bedbugs from one pet to another is not only an unlikely feat but an impossible one for bedbugs.

Bed bug exterminatorThe primary way in which bed bugs infest your home is by the aid of human carriers. 

The human might not carry the bedbugs on their person but they may do so in the luggage or other possessions they bring along with them. 

It is a proven fact that bedbugs and their eggs have been found in bags, boxes, bedroom fixtures, couches, chairs, beds and other common household items. 

Thus to be on the safe side, it would be wise to have such items fumigated thoroughly with a bed bug treatment before letting them into the house. 

  • Bedbugs are not attracted to homes in urban areas

It is true that the prevalence of bedbugs is greatest within urban areas. 

This is because of the higher population densities in such areas and hence the bugs have a large pool of potential hosts. 

However the fact that human beings do make transit from such urban areas to rural ones and vice versa, bedbugs are thus able to make their way to other areas no matter how remote this areas may be.


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How to Get Rid of Bedbugs Fast

 Best Way to Kill Bed Bugs


We’ve all heard of bedbugs. Those small, brownish, oval insects known for their propensity to invade living spaces and infest homes. In the UK these voracious little pests have caused quite a nuisance. Apart from being unsightly and unsanitary, their bites can cause itchy red bumps that may burn or result in moderate pain.

The problem in the UK has only gotten worse over recent years. Reports out of the United Kingdom have indicated that the occurrence of bed bug infestations across the area has risen year after year since as far back as 2006, with no sign of slowing down any time soon.

This has left residents of Yorkshire and the rest of the UK desperate for answers on how they can fight back.  Yet the social stigma of having “bed bugs” often leaves those same residents reluctant to seek professional assistance. Further exacerbating the issue is the fact that many homeowners don’t even realize that they have an infestation until it has gotten out of control.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that there are a multitude of solutions and a myriad of approaches you can take to take back control of your household from these pests.

If you suspect that your home has indeed succumbed to these pests, this guide is for you. Read on to learn more about the steps you can take today to get rid of bedbugs once and for all.

Where do Bed Bugs Come From?

Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs are not necessarily the result of poor hygiene or an unclean household. Bed bugs are notorious for catching a “ride” on luggage, clothing, linens and other items, contributing to the spreading of these pests across Yorkshire and other cities in the UK.

Items Bed Bugs Often Hide on or Within Include:

    • Linens
    • Pillowcases
    • Used or second-hand furniture
    • Cardboard boxes
    • Sheets, blankets, clothing
    • And more…

What Attracts Bed Bugs?

While bed bugs do like to hide, breed and multiply in dark spaces and crevices, what actually attracts them is one thing and one thing only: their food source.

This food source is humans. They are also attracted to carbon dioxide emitted when you breathe.

Are Bed Bugs Able to Bite Through?


The short answer is “no”. While you may never actually see a bed bug, one telltale sign that you have them is the appearance of red, irritated bites, especially if they occur underneath your clothing.

That said, not everyone has a typical reaction to these bites. For some, they can become quite inflamed and painful, for others they may not be noticeable at all.



Bed bugs are known for their resilience and persistence, making most DIY efforts largely ineffective, and in some cases making the matter even worse.

What makes these fiends so hard to get rid of is that they:


    • Have short and constant reproductive cycles
    • Feed relentlessly
    • Are small and flat making it easy for them to hide in crevices
    • Often resistant to consumer available pesticides

Due to these reasons and more, it is often advisable to hire a pest control specialist that can quickly, reliably and safely take care of your bed bug problem. Professionals such as those at Apex Pest Control in Yorkshire are expertly trained, highly experienced, and equipped with industry-grade home and pet safe bed bug remediation tools and insecticides.

For those homeowners looking to first attempt a DIY approach, the following are the top five tips to fight back.

1. Eliminate Potential Hiding Places

Bed bugs do not like to be out in the open. They do, however, enjoy dark crevices and clutter in or under which they can hide out.

Consider eliminating the following:

    • Old magazines and newspapers
    • Clutter
    • Bins or storage containers
    • Cardboard boxes
    • Do not leave clothing piled up or on the floor

Remember, bed bugs are small, flat critters capable of creeping their way into any dark space or crevice. The more of these you can eliminate the less opportunity these insects will have to hide, breed and multiply.

2. Deep Cleaning

In order for professional pest control specialists to effectively eliminate bed bugs, they need to be able to thoroughly inspect the infested areas. Cleaning rugs/carpet, flooring, baseboards, furniture and other household items and areas can give them a fighting chance at rooting out these notorious pests.

Next up on the list: wash linens, bedding and clothing at maximum temperature settings on your washing machine. Similarly, dry them on the hottest setting possible. Once these items are properly cleaned and dry, seal them in large Ziplock or other plastic bags.

Deep cleaning your rugs and carpet is also advisable. Afterwards, be sure to “double-bag” dirt and grime removed from the vacuum and place outside in a bin away from your home.

3. Reconnaissance and Exposure 

During this step, your goal is to uncover and expose any potential areas, cracks, crevices and other places bed bugs may already be, or could possibly, hide in.


    • Evaluating baseboards and trim work for loose boards and spaces
    • If you have wallpaper check to make sure the seams are not loose
    • Inspect wall outlets and switches to make sure they are snug against the wall
    • Expose flooring under rugs and remove rugs for deep cleaning
    • Inspect tiles
    • Remove any unnecessary furniture or other items from the area

4. Reposition your Bed 

This simple yet effective tactic can make your bed a harder target for bed bugs to crawl up on from walls. Beds positioned snugly against walls are most susceptible to these pests. By making your bed an “island” you eliminate ease of access from walls while also eliminating the crevice formed where the bed and wall meet up.

5. Linen Care and Bed Bug Proofing

Next up, wash all of your bedroom linens on the hottest settings recommended by the manufacturer.

Items to Wash Include:

    • Pillows and pillowcases
    • Sheets
    • Comforters and blankets
    • Mattress pads


Once washed and dry, seal them tightly in plastic bags to prevent re-infestation. Take out only as needed until the bed bug problem has been resolved.


You may also want to consider implementing:

    • Bed bug proof covers
    • Natural bed bug repellant


6. Leave it to Professional Pest Control Specialists

While the DIY route may be attractive to some, it is not always the best path to take when trying to safely and quickly eliminate bed bugs. These resilient pests are notoriously difficult to eliminate.

Reasons to Consider Hiring a Pest Control Service:

Expense – While the initial investment may be higher, hiring a pro often ends up being the less expensive call in the long run. Retail pesticides are often less effective, meaning more trips to the store, and continued damage and suffering while you try to combat these pests on your own.

Convenience – Finding the time to deal with pests isn’t always easy or anything you look forward to spending time on. Professional pest control companies such as Apex Pest Control will work quickly, discreetly and on your schedule, not theirs.

Knowledge and Experience – Half the battle is knowing the enemy. A local exterminator will be able to quickly and accurately identify the species of bed bug, factors contributing to the infestation and ways in which to reduce the risk of re-introduction of the pests in the future.

Risks – Chemicals of any type carry a certain amount of risk. Professionals use industry best practices when handling and placing any needed pesticides, educating you on when it is safe to re-inhabit the area and can advise on alternative, child, pet and family safe treatment options.

Effectiveness – Pest services utilize industry-leading practices, have access to more effective treatment options, and have experience backed by a track record of successful removal of infestations in your area. They can quickly, safely and reliably eliminate the problem, helping you get back to life as usual instead of being tormented by these little monsters.

Closing Thoughts Regarding Bed Bug Infestations

Residents of Yorkshire and all throughout the UK have experienced a surge in bed bug infestations over the last decade with no signs of the problem slowing down any time soon. If you suspect or are aware of a bed bug infestation don’t wait to take action. Follow the steps in this guide to protect your home and family and to take back control of your living space from these invasive and harmful pests.

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