
Strategies for Building Backlinks to Your Pest Control Website

Techniques to Acquire Quality Backlinks for SEO Enhancement

Want to boost your pest control website’s SEO? Look no further.

In this article, we’ll show you the best strategies for building backlinks. By guest posting on relevant websites, building relationships with industry influencers, and creating high-quality content, you can acquire quality backlinks that will enhance your site’s visibility.

Plus, we’ll reveal how leveraging local directories, participating in online forums, and communities can further skyrocket your website’s rankings.

Don’t miss out on these powerful techniques to dominate the search engine game.

 Guest Posting on Relevant Websites

To acquire quality backlinks and boost your SEO, start by guest posting on relevant websites. Guest posting allows you to showcase your expertise and gain exposure to a wider audience. Look for websites in your niche that accept guest posts and have a strong online presence.

When crafting your guest post, make sure to include valuable content that resonates with the target audience. Incorporate keywords related to your industry and optimize the post for search engines. Additionally, consider collaborating with influencers in your field for guest posting opportunities. This not only enhances your credibility but also increases the chances of your guest post being shared on social media platforms.

Remember to promote your guest post on your own social media channels to maximize its reach and impact. By guest posting on relevant websites, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry and attract quality backlinks to boost your SEO for your Pest Control Business.

 Building Relationships With Industry Influencers

When building backlinks to your pest control website, it’s essential to develop strong relationships with industry influencers. They can play a crucial role in increasing your online visibility and acquiring quality backlinks.

Influencer collaborations and networking events are two effective ways to build relationships with industry influencers. By collaborating with influencers, you can tap into their established audience and gain exposure to potential customers. This can result in increased traffic to your website and higher chances of acquiring backlinks from reputable sources.

Networking events provide opportunities to meet and connect with influencers in your industry. Attending industry conferences, seminars, and trade shows allows you to establish personal connections and showcase your expertise.

 Creating High-Quality and Shareable Content

One effective strategy for building backlinks to your pest control website is to consistently create high-quality and shareable content. Content marketing plays a crucial role in attracting and engaging your target audience. By producing informative and valuable content, you establish yourself as an authority in the industry, which increases your website’s credibility and encourages other websites to link back to you.

To create high-quality content, focus on providing unique insights, practical tips, and relevant information that your audience can benefit from. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your content to optimize it for search engines. Additionally, make your content shareable by including social media buttons and encouraging social media engagement. When your audience finds your content valuable, they’re more likely to share it on their social media platforms, increasing its reach and visibility.

 Utilizing Local Directories and Listings

You should regularly utilize local directories and listings to increase the visibility and credibility of your pest control website. These online directories and listings serve as a powerful tool to improve your online reputation and attract potential customers in your local area. By submitting your website to reputable local directories, you can enhance your search engine rankings and generate valuable backlinks.

When choosing directories, focus on those that are relevant to your industry and location. Ensure that your business information, such as name, address, and phone number, is accurate and consistent across all directories.

Additionally, consider leveraging local listings on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and Yellow Pages. These platforms allow you to showcase your pest control services, customer reviews, and contact information, further boosting your online visibility.

Incorporating local directories and listings into your link building strategies is a crucial step in optimizing your pest control website for local search.

Participating in Online Forums and Communities

To further enhance the visibility and credibility of your pest control website, actively engage in online forums and communities related to the industry and participate in discussions. This strategy, known as online networking, can be a powerful way to build backlinks and improve your website’s SEO.

By participating in forums and communities, you can establish yourself as an authority in the pest control field and gain the trust of potential customers. Share your expertise, answer questions, and provide valuable insights to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise. Be sure to include a link to your website in your forum signature or within your comments whenever appropriate.

Forum engagement can’t only drive traffic to your website but also help you build valuable backlinks that can boost your website’s search engine rankings.

In conclusion, implementing effective strategies to build backlinks is crucial for enhancing the SEO of your pest control website.

By guest posting on relevant websites, you can reach a wider audience and gain valuable backlinks.

Building relationships with industry influencers can also help you get backlinks from authoritative sources and increase your website’s credibility.

Creating high-quality and shareable content is another important strategy. This can attract natural backlinks from other websites and social media platforms.

Utilizing local directories and listings is a great way to improve your website’s visibility in local search results.

Participating in online forums and communities related to pest control can help you build relationships with other professionals and potentially gain backlinks from their websites.

Overall, these techniques will help drive more organic traffic, improve search engine rankings, and ultimately attract more potential customers to your pest control services.

720 McClure Rd.
Kelowna, BC.

Phone: 250.575.1527

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A Look Ahead: What to Expect from Pest Control Service in 2023

Pest control is an important service for all kinds of businesses, from food and beverage manufacturers to retail outlets to commercial buildings. With the ever-changing landscape of technology, regulations, and trends, it can be difficult to know what to expect from pest control service in 2023. This blog will discuss what changes we can anticipate in the coming years and how these changes will affect the pest control industry.


What is a Pest Control Service?

Pest control service is the practice of using chemicals, physical barriers, and other methods to control and eliminate pests, such as insects, rodents, and other animals, that cause damage to property or threaten public health. Pest control services are necessary for businesses to protect their assets and keep their customers safe. In order to do this, pest control companies must stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the industry, including technology, regulations, and trends.


Changes in Technology

Technology continues to evolve and this is no different in the pest control industry. As new technologies become available, pest control companies must adapt to keep up with the competition. For example, one of the most recent technological advancements in the industry is the use of drones to survey areas for pests and provide accurate data on the severity of infestations. This is a much more efficient and cost-effective way for pest control companies to survey areas than traditional methods. Additionally, companies are beginning to use thermal imaging cameras to identify pests in difficult-to-reach areas.


Another technological advancement that is becoming more popular is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to identify and control pests. AI is being used to identify the most effective ways to control pests and the most efficient ways to deploy treatment methods. This is a more efficient and cost-effective way for companies to deal with pest control issues, as it removes the need for manual labor.


Changes in Regulations

The pest control industry is heavily regulated and these regulations are constantly changing and being updated. As regulations change, they can have a direct impact on the services that companies are able to provide. For example, some states have recently passed laws that require companies to provide employees with safety equipment and training when dealing with chemicals that can be hazardous. Additionally, some states have passed laws that require companies to provide customers with detailed information about the chemicals they are using and how they are being applied. Companies must stay up-to-date on these regulations to ensure they are providing their customers with the best possible service.


New Trends in Pest Control Service

In addition to changes in technology and regulations, there are also new trends that are emerging in the pest control industry. One of the biggest trends is the move towards green solutions for pest control. Companies are beginning to use more natural and sustainable methods to control pests, such as using pheromone traps, natural predators, and organic pesticides. This is a more eco-friendly way to deal with pest problems and is becoming increasingly popular with customers.


Another trend that is becoming more popular is the use of automation in pest control. Companies are beginning to use automated systems to identify and treat pest problems. These systems are able to detect infestations faster and use precise amounts of chemicals to treat them, which is much more efficient than manual methods. Additionally, these systems can be programmed to treat specific areas of a property, which is much more precise than traditional methods.


Advances in Pest Control Technology

As pest control technology continues to advance, companies are able to provide more effective and efficient services. For example, companies are beginning to use sensors to detect the presence of pests and then deploy the appropriate treatment methods. This is much more efficient than manual methods, as it eliminates the need for manual inspections. Additionally, companies are beginning to use robots to identify and treat pests in difficult-to-reach areas. This is a much more efficient and cost-effective way to treat pest problems than traditional methods.


Green Solutions for Pest Control

As mentioned above, there is a growing trend towards green solutions for pest control. Companies are beginning to use more natural methods to identify and treat pest infestations, such as using pheromone traps, natural predators, and organic pesticides. These methods are much more eco-friendly than traditional methods and are becoming increasingly popular with customers. Additionally, some companies are beginning to use solar-powered traps to attract and trap pests without the use of pesticides.


The Use of Automation in Pest Control

As mentioned above, companies are beginning to use automation to identify and treat pest problems. Automation allows companies to detect infestations faster and more accurately, and deploy the appropriate treatment methods. This is much more efficient than manual methods, as it eliminates the need for manual inspections. Additionally, these systems can be programmed to treat specific areas of a property, which is much more precise than traditional methods.


Advances in Pest Identification

Pest identification is an important part of the pest control process, as it allows companies to identify the type of pest they are dealing with and the best treatment methods to use. Companies are beginning to use more advanced methods to identify pests, such as DNA analysis and thermal imaging cameras. These methods are much more accurate than traditional methods and allow companies to identify pests more quickly and accurately.



As you can see, the pest control industry is constantly evolving and changing. In order to stay ahead of the competition, companies must stay up-to-date on the latest developments in technology, regulations, and trends. As we look ahead to 2023, we can expect to see more advances in technology, more stringent regulations, and more green solutions for pest control. By staying informed and adapting to these changes, companies can ensure they are providing their customers with the best possible service.


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pigeon pest control

Pigeon Pest Control – How to Get Rid of Pigeons in Your Home

pigeon pest control

There are several ways you can get rid of pigeons in your home. You can either use a commercial bird deterrent, or try some DIY solutions. But, before you get started, make sure you know what you’re dealing with. Below, we’ve listed the signs of a pigeon infestation, and some tips and tricks for pigeon pest control.

Getting rid of pigeons

One of the best ways of pigeon pest control to get rid of pigeons is to use a pigeon repellent . This method requires the least amount of work and is very humane. It also works very well in city buildings because it reroutes pigeons away from high up windows and vent areas.

Pigeons can be a nuisance and can cause damage to your home. They can contaminate trash cans and compost bins, and can cause illnesses. Pigeon poop is not only disgusting, but it is also a health hazard. If a pigeon does poop on your property, you can clean it up with a bleach solution or a stiff brush.

Signs of a pigeon infestation

Pigeons are beautiful creatures, but they can also be a nuisance if they get inside your home. They can nest in your eaves, gutters, or air vents. Often, they will make nests made of sticks. You may also find droppings around your house.

The first sign of an infestation is spotting birds in your property. If you notice more than one bird gathered together, or if you see babies in the nest, you might have a pigeon infestation. If you notice other signs, such as damage to property, you should call a professional wildlife removal service.

Commercial bird deterrents

Pigeons are a nuisance in any setting, but they can be controlled with commercial bird deterrents. These devices can be installed to keep pigeons away from a particular space, such as a parking lot. Commercial bird deterrents are effective for large areas, such as office buildings and large commercial spaces. The products are not only effective in deterring pigeons, but they are also cost-effective.

Audio bird deterrents work by emitting a distress signal specific to each species. The audio signal is designed to scare birds away from an area, and should be changed regularly. This is because birds have a good memory, so they will eventually learn to ignore a call after hearing it a few times.

DIY solutions

Pigeons can be a nuisance and can damage your business’s image. In addition to being unpleasant, they can also be dangerous because they can cause slip and fall accidents. It’s best to seek professional pigeon pest control services if you have an ongoing problem with pigeons.

DIY pigeon traps can be made with wires suspended three to four feet above the ground. This makes it impossible for pigeons to perch on them and will cause them to abort landing on it.

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How to tell if you have termites

Commonly misidentified as white ants, termites are actually closer to cockroaches than ants and like their roach pals, they’re annoying as hell. Complete blindness doesn’t stop these guys from working mercilessly on your beautiful hardwood up to 24 hours a day if you can’t find them. Unfortunately, finding them in your house can be an absolute nightmare so keep an eye out for early warning signs. We spoke to Sarah from Pest Alert, who covers pest control in Dubbo, and she provided some telltale signs outlined below.

Look for the Fliers


One of the first signs of termite infestation is the presence of their winged cousins, called swarmers or alates. These little budding entrepreneurs have left their nest to start a new colony. What a go-getter, right? Well if you don’t want a companion to the colonies you already don’t know you have, whenever you see the flying mites, call a pest control company right away as it’s time for a colony hunt.

Knock on Wood

Did you know that the phrase ‘knock on wood’ originated in German and Celtic folklore to invoke the spirits that lived inside for protection? Well, 2020 called and we don’t exactly believe in the spirits of the wood anymore, but it’s still never a bad idea to rap lightly with the front of your knuckles on various timber spots to identify hollow-sounding areas that could indicate exposure to termites.

Watch for stuck doors and windows

Most people’s first instinct is to assume that a stuck window is due to swelling from moisture, which is, to be fair, the case a lot of the time. However, the tunneling that these little scamps conduct in your hardwood is known to warp and shape the timber in annoying ways, often expanding the outer edges so it’s not obvious there have been termites attacking the area. Doors and windows that don’t open quite as well as they used to are a big red flag for termites.


Finally, if all is quiet in your home and you hear an eerie, repetitive clicking sound when all your devices are turned off, there’s a good chance you have the ‘mites that ain’t your mate.

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Do Bugs Sleep?

We know that humans and other mammals need sleep to survive, but perhaps you have wondered if bugs sleep? This is not an easy question to answer, but delving into the science of insect sleep may actually benefit two completely different groups: human sleep researchers and pest control specialists.

Insect Sleep Studies

Among the significant reasons that it’s so very hard to ascertain if bugs sleep is really because scientists have not figured out ways to measure insect brain activity. Without this crucial data, they are forced to make use of other methods that rely more on behavioral observations and creating parallels with human sleep characteristics.

baby-sleeping-pest free


Studies conducted on various insects (fruit flies, paper wasps, cockroaches, bees, praying mantis, etc.) show many similarities between insect behavior and the behavior of other more complex animals when it comes to sleep. Some items that bugs do appear to mimic common sleep-like habits including:

  • Finding a preferred napping location
  • Remaining still for long periods at regular times (following circadian rhythms)
  • Not being easily attentive to sensory stimuli (increased arousal threshold)
  • If deprived of sleep, they’ll require more sleep later (sleep rebound)
  • Body drooping in the direction of gravity
  • More stimulating muscles

So, the short answer is that yes, bugs do enter a type of sleep, but it’s not the same as human sleep. Scientists instead reference it as a state of deep rest which allows the insect’s body time and energy to repair and restore.

Why does knowing about insect sleep matter?

This may all be very interesting, but why does it matter? First, Scientists regularly study simple organisms to simply help gain insight into the processes and molecular pathways that are involved. Studying such things as sleep and circadian rhythms in insects can be good for untangling the much harder processes that happen in humans.

Second, understanding circadian rhythms and sleep patterns of insects may be good for pest control. Circadian rhythms, or cycles of awake and asleep times, help regulate the metabolism. In quite simple terms, metabolism is how the human body stores and releases energy. Scientists may manage to use the information they gain to locate times of the day that pesticides work better and more effectively as a result of how they are metabolized.

Pest control professionals already use some of this understanding of insect “sleep” cycles to ensure that treatments are effective and safe. For instance, insects like wasps and yellow jackets enter a period of deep rest during the night. When trying to exterminate a dangerous hive, it is better to attack it when the wasps are less responsive in the early morning or evening hours. This can help prevent painful stings.

Central Coast Pest Control

At Central Coast Pest Control, eliminating pests and keeping our customers safe and comfortable is our business. We stay up-to-date on the most recent research and product development in order to give you the best possible service.

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Chandler’s Miss Arizona to lead a Volunteer Club

reign as Miss Arizona 2018 may soon be over but the dedicated volunteer who is passionate about helping the visually impaired is getting warmed up for her next crowning achievement — serving as president of the Chandler Lions Club.

Ticlo, 25, of Chandler, will begin her one-year term as president on July 1, taking over from Ruth Jon Wick, who served in the position for three years.

Wick said everyone in the club encouraged Ticlo to step up as president and she was unanimously elected. She added she hopes Ticlo will want to be president for at least another year after that.

Ticlo had served as one of the organization’s vice-presidents last year and first got her feet wet with the Chandler Lions Club 10 years ago while a student at Hamilton High School.

She had been a member of the Leo Club for high school students who work with the Lions and learn about community service.

Her platform as Miss Arizona was to support people with vision impairment, which also is a big focus of the Lions Clubs International and its local chapters.

Ticlo, who graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in marketing with minors in communications and dance from Arizona State University, works in marketing at Insight, a high technology solutions company in Tempe. She is working on her master’s degree in business administration at ASU.

Empowering the visually impaired is her passion.

“It’s something that we don’t think about every day because most of us are born with our sight,” she said. “There are 200,000 people in Arizona who are visually impaired. I can’t imagine what that would be like one day to lose that…to one day wake up and not be able to see your kids’ faces.

“I’ve met so many people who lost their vision later in life. Adapting to that is terrifying, it’s frustrating. The solutions we can provide; whether they’re prevention solutions or adaptive ones it helps to lessen that pain.”

Ticlo enjoys helping her fellow Lions provide vision tests and glasses for students in need in Chandler Unified.

Vision became a big part of the international Lions clubs’ philanthropy after Helen Keller, an author and activist who became deaf and blind at a young age urged them to champion vision as a cause in 1925.

Ticlo also loves the Chandler Lions Club’s “Blinded by De-Light” events which enable people to feel what it’s be like to be sightless. Last year at one such event, people sat in a movie theater and heard sounds and descriptions of a movie via earphones with no picture on the screen.

The Chandler Lions also sponsor vision forums, free events focusing on macular degeneration and diabetes on vision.

“We want to make sure everyone has the resources they need and be unafraid,” Ticlo said.

During her reign as Miss Arizona, Ticlo volunteered with the Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Foundation for Blind Children, the Brain Injury Alliance of Arizona and Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

She joined people making beaded bracelets at the Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired and handing out medals to those who took part in a 5K run.

In that run, children who are blind would hold onto a pole and a runner with vision would guide them as they ran.

“I was there to hang out with kids and let them have fun,” Ticlo said. “I like to talk to the children.”

She is also excited to tell people about the Be My Eyes free app that links people with blindness or limited vision with sighted volunteers and company representatives who help them do things through live video calls.

Ticlo was thrilled to help a man in Scottsdale figure out how to cook his dinner as he could not see the directions on a bag of rice.

“It was amazing,” she said. “That’s something I would love more people to sign up for.”

When she spoke and met people who had brain injuries during a Rays of Hope 2019 conference in Phoenix, Ticlo was especially touched by a man who had suffered a brain injury when he was struck by lightning. He showed her a mask he painted to tell his story.

Sometimes people believe people who are blind or visually impaired can’t work, she said.

“That’s absolutely not true,” Ticlo said. “I spoke about my experience working with Chandler Lions Club and belief people who are blind or visually impaired aren’t limited by their disability. They are some of the most adaptive and resilient people I have ever met. Any qualified applicant should have the opportunity to pursue the career of their dreams.”

She received the coveted Melvin Jones Award from the Chandler Lions for outstanding contributions to the community.

“It was pretty amazing,” Ticlo said. “You do the work with the intention of just doing good in the world. You don’t expect to win any awards. It’s surreal.”

Wick said Ticlo is well-deserving of honors and is proud of her work in the club and as Miss Arizona.

“She’s been like a walking billboard for not only our Chandler Lions but all the Lions,” Wick said. “It’s been amazing what she has added to our organization…it’s been just a joy to watch her step up and take a leadership role with the high school Leo Club and then join our Lions Club while still attending college and working and still having time to volunteer. I think she’s done an amazing job.

“For the people that meet her, the thing with Isabel that stands out is she is so genuine. Her heart is as good as her beauty. People just find she’s so warm and welcoming and enthusiastic about anything she tackles. I know that all of the members in my club are so excited that she has decided to take on leadership.”

She said Ticlo will likely encourage more young adults to join the Chandler Lions.

“Her youth and enthusiasm will help to bring more youth into our aging Lions organization,” Wick said.

Ticlo said it is intimidating but she is excited to serve as the Chandler Lions president.

“It was intimidating at first because I had really big shoes to fill,” she said. “Ruth Jon Wick has been an amazing president. The Chandler Lions Club is like my second family. I feel inspired by all their stories. Blind people joined. One of my goals is to recruit younger, new members, bring them back and show them we’re still here; we could use their help.”

Ticlo was born in Iowa and moved around often as a child due to her father’s job.

Her father, Harvey, is from India, and her mother, Ganjana, is from Thailand, and she has two sisters. She has an older sister, Genevieve, 27, and a younger sister, Tiffany, 17, who is Miss Glendale’s Outstanding Teen.

As a nod to her heritage, Ticlo performed Bollywood dances while competing as Miss Arizona and at the Miss America competition. She started dancing at 13, doing jazz and hip-hop and then took classes in Bollywood dancing with her mother starting three years ago.

“I moved around a lot as a child and I needed a constant in my life,” Ticlo said. “Dance became my constant and my emotional outlet.”

She started competing in pageants at about 21 and was in the Miss Arizona competition twice previously before winning.

“Every candidate has the opportunity to win a scholarship just by competing on the stage,” Ticlo said. “That was a wonderful bonus. The sisterhood was great. You meet these amazing women.”

Serving as Miss Arizona 2018 also helped her, teaching her how to balance different activities and gave her a chance to make more contacts in the volunteer world.

Pest Control Chandler AZ

The warm has long been the envy of American looking to escape the cold of more eastern provinces. But the conditions that make Chandler appealing to humans are exactly the same that make it an ideal home for pests who wouldn’t be able to survive the cold dry winters further east.

The dense vegetation that covers much of Chandler is home to a wealth of wildlife and associated pests that thrive in the temperate climate. As AZ’s primary gateway to Pacific trade, Chandler harbours also offer some unique challenges for pest control and require continuous monitoring and prevention to ensure that infestations don’t take hold.

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as a pest problem. They can become a huge issue, whether you’re a homeowner or a business manager. That’s why Natural Pest Solutions offers pest control services in Chandler and the surrounding areas like. If you find unwanted rodents, insects, or other wildlife on your property, give us a call. We offer flexible hours so you can call us any time of day, any day of the week.

Natural Pest Solutions
62 N Amber Ct, Chandler, AZ 85225, USA
(480) 428-2826

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The Rich Town of Langley


Langley is the Fraser Valley’s premier wine and libations destination, and home of historical Fort Langley; the birthplace of British Columbia. You’ll also discover authentic farm experiences, beautiful parks and trails, trendy restaurants & lounges, exciting sport venues, unique shopping, and so much more.

The Township of Langley extends south of the Fraser River to the U.S. border, shares a western border with Surrey, and shares an eastern border with Abbotsford. The Township is home to approximately 104,000 people living in over 39,000 homes. The Township is primarily rural in makeup, with most of the suburban population living in one of its 6 major communities: Aldergrove, Brookswood/Fernridge, Fort Langley, Murrayville, Walnut Grove, and Willoughby/Willowbrook.

The City of Langley is located along the central western border, neighbouring both the Township and Surrey. It has a population of around 25,000 people living in over 11,800 homes. It is comprised of six major communities: Nicomeki, Douglas, Simonds, Blacklock, Alice Brown, and Uplands.

From its humble beginnings as a fur trading post and “Birthplace of B.C.” to its emergence as a hub of agricultural farmland in the Fraser Valley, Langley continues to demonstrate steady growth. Less than an hour’s drive from downtown Vancouver, Langley offers a mixture of suburban and rural living, blended with a rich history and unique downtown development in the city. 75% of the Township of Langley is located with the Agricultural Land Reserve, and the area boasts a huge agri-tourism industry, including some of the Fraser Valley’s finest wineries.

The city of Langley’s downtown is pedestrian-friendly, featuring a mixture of high-end shopping, boutiques, independent stores, and farmer’s markets. The arts communities is thriving here: for it’s size, Langley has a large number of arts organizations and galleries. The area is also known as the Horse Capital of B.C., home to dozens of world-class equestrian facilities and programs. Both the city and the township are serviced by the Langley School District #35.


Best Neighbourhood in Langley

Fort Langley is the richest and best-educated area of the Township, according to a Times analysis of new neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood profiles provided to council.

The statistics also show that the fastest-growing Township neighbourhood is Willoughby, while the slowest-growing is Brookswood-Fernridge.

The updated statistics were presented in a March 24 memo from the Community Development division to council.

The raw numbers were to be posted to the Township website at www.tol.ca under “doing business.”

The figures show that 19 per cent of Fort Langley households reported an annual income of $150,000 or more a year, well above the Township average of 14 per cent, and more than any other neighbourhood in the community.

Walnut Grove placed second, with 16 per cent of its households making $150,000 or more, while Brookswood-Fernridge and Willoughby tied for third at 14 per cent in the plus-150K category.

In terms of the exact numbers of households reporting incomes of $150,000 or more, Walnut Grove had the most with 1,435, while Willoughby was second with 930 and Brookswood-Fernridge was third with 645.

Those three neighbourhoods accounted for more than half of all Township households in the highest income category, 3,010 of the 5,165 in the entire community.

On the other end of the income spectrum, Aldergrove had the highest percentage of households making less than $20,000 a year, at 14 per cent, more than the Township average of 10 per cent.

Willoughby had the second highest percentage of households at the lower end of the income scale with 10 per cent under $20,000, and Murrayville was third at nine per cent.

In terms of the exact numbers reporting less than $20,000 a year in income, Willoughby had the most households in that category at 700, Walnut Grove was second at 635 and Aldergrove was third with 590.

The community with the smallest percentage and smallest actual number of people in the sub-$20,000 categories was Fort Langley, with five per cent or 55 households.

The best-educated neighborhood was Fort Langley, with 47 per cent possessing a college or university diploma or degree, higher than the overall Township average of 40 per cent.

In terms of housing construction, the fastest-growing neighbourhood was Willoughby, which has added 2,800 new single-family and 2,400 multi-family housing units from 2006 to 2013.

Brookswood-Fernridge had the slowest growth rate, adding 167 single-family homes and seven multi-family units over the same period.

Brookswood-Fernridge has the highest percentage of single-family homes in Langley at virtually 100 per cent, with just 15 multi-family units among 4,604, compared to the Township average of 72 per cent.

Willoughby currently has the most housing units of any area of Langley Township at 10,500, 5,900 of them single-family.

Walnut Grove has the second-highest number at 8,800 housing units while Brookswood is third at 4.600.

Pest Control in Langley

Langley is abundant with residential communities as well as economic opportunities. The hot and dry weather can drive many unwanted pests into comfortable Langley homes. Dangerous pests can be harmful and frightening. Other pests like fire ants and roaches can damage property and landscape. Protect your home from pesky pests and call a recommended exterminator today.

Natural Pest Solutions
5844 Glover Rd, Langley, BC V3A 4H9, Canada
+1 604-245-8395

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Hay Shipping Capital of the World, Gilbert AZ

Gilbert is a community with agricultural roots that show-up in the local food scene and in uniquely handcrafted creations. We boast a family-friendly vibe and an emerging nightlife, all of which has been created in alignment with our local love of great food, craft beer, Arizona wine, handmade goods, bike trails, open space, and our four-legged friends.

Once known as the “Hay Shipping Capital of the World,” more recently Gilbert has received nods like, “Phoenix’s Coolest Suburb,” and a “top 5 foodie neighborhood in metro Phoenix,” it is now known more for its people food than its alfalfa. Gilbert is also consistently recognized as one of the safest cities and best places to live in the U.S.

All this adds up to making Gilbert your home base for Arizona explorations. We have 22 national parks (including the Grand Canyon) and 35 state parks here in Arizona to explore, many within an hour to a day-trip away from Gilbert like Finley Farms and Val Vista Lakes.

Pests in Gilbert

Scorpions are the NUMBER 1 pest in Gilbert AZ! Whether it’s the lush landscaping of beautiful yards in Gilbert, and the block wall fences, or just the location of high scorpion populations for generations, Gilbert has more than its share of scorpions. Scorpions are built for survival and require specialized products and applications than most general pests to eliminate.


Natural Pest Solutions
113 E Cullumber Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85234, USA
+1 480-470-0251

Hay Shipping Capital of the World, Gilbert AZ Read More »

How to Detect, Identify and Get Rid of Termites

Most homeowners insurance protection approaches neglect to cover termite harm. These approaches typically spread home harm that is unexpected or incidental. Be that as it may, termite harm can be relieved through the learning of the indications of termite harm and calling a termite control expert right off the bat.






Here are five signs that termites are threatening your home:



Tap on the wooden surface that you think is under termite assault.

Do you hear an empty sound? In the event that you do, at that point it’s sheltered to state that you’re wood is being eaten up by these little, yet perilous creepy crawlies.

Termites flourish in conditions that are dim and damp, which means they will begin benefiting from the inside of wooden structures, not the surface. The wood superficially will look unblemished, however, when you tap on it, it will sound empty.


Termites that are in their conceptive stage are called swarmers. They swarm to make new provinces.

Underground termites for the most part swarm in the springtime, though drywood termite swarms are less unsurprising. In the event that you see a swarm of creepy crawlies around light apparatuses or radiant bug wings lying around your house, it’s a great opportunity to consider bringing in a termite control expert.


Termites can enter even the most moment opening on a wood surface, leaving knocks or swells under the paint. Along these lines, ensure that you seal any splits or openings on the dividers just as other wood surfaces to keep away from pervasion.


Termites make mud cylinders to keep themselves sodden while they’re scavenging for nourishment. Regularly, they will begin assembling these cylinders in the soggy wood that is ordinarily found in storm cellars or in the establishment of your home.

Keep all disposed of materials that they can use for making these mud cylinders, for example, mulch, rotting leaves or wood wears down from your home, so you don’t make conditions where termites like to flourish.


While they eat up your wood, drywood termites desert dark colored droppings called frass. These droppings look like little wood pellets and are six-sided.

Typically when you see frass your home is at a propelled phase of the invasion. You will require the assistance of a certified vermin control expert to exhort you on regulation and treatment.


Natural Pest Solutions
32450 Simon Ave, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5E3

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Scorpion Myths and Facts

Scorpions are one of Arizona’s most feared pests. There are many myths surrounding the fearsome creatures. It can be difficult to separate the fact from fiction in regards to scorpions. Understanding the truth about scorpions can help to keep victims of scorpion stings from panicking, which can potentially worsen the effects of a sting.


All scorpion stings are fatal

There are one species of scorpion out of approximately 100 in the United States that possesses venom capable of causing human fatality- the Arizona Bark Scorpion. However, all scorpions are capable of regulating the amount of venom that is injected during a sting. Since scorpions take time to recover venom supply, scorpions typically only excrete a small amount of venom during stings, and may not excrete any venom at all. Less than five percent of scorpion stings require medical attention each year, most are similar to a wasp sting. Antidotes have severely decreased the likelihood that a scorpion sting will be fatal.

People allergic to bee stings may also experience allergic reactions to scorpion stings. So, be careful if you fall into this category and seek medical help if you see alarming symptoms.

Scorpions are aggressive

The preferred habitat of scorpions is beneath rocks and debris. Scorpions do not aggressively pursue humans. Most scorpion stings occur when humans step on scorpions or reach into an area where a scorpion is hiding. Scorpion stings can be avoided by wearing proper footwear when traveling through areas where scorpions are common and never reaching into debris piles or beneath rocks with bare hands. For example, use caution while removing clutter in the garage, as scorpions may be hiding there.


Larger scorpions are more dangerous

The Arizona Bark Scorpion is the smallest species of scorpion in Arizona, typically about the size of a nickel. Despite the small size, this species of scorpion is the only scorpion that can potentially cause fatality. The venom released by this scorpion is a neurotoxin which may cause uncontrollable muscle movements. Other species of scorpions which are common to Arizona, the Giant Hairy Scorpion and the Striped Tail Scorpion, are much larger than the Arizona Bark Scorpion at about five inches and slightly over two inches, but release much weaker venom.


When faced with a scorpion problem, a pest control company provides the expertise to get rid of these pests. Natural Pest Solutions is well-prepared to handle a scorpion infestation.


Natural Pest Solutions
1511 East Julie Drive Tempe, AZ 85283 United States
(480) 400-0413

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